Boston Centerless

Reshaping the COVID-19 Work Environment Through Technology

Water cooler conversations, staff meetings, company gatherings, group trainings, just to name a few regular business occurrences pre COVID-19, have all but stopped as we knew them. However, this does[...] Continue Reading

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In late May, I read The Management Tip of the Day from the Harvard Business Review entitled “Reframe Challenges to Cope with Uncertainty.” One of the suggested reframes was “Gratitude: Recognize what[...] Continue Reading

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Lean on the Little Mouse

As a Shingo Prize recipient, we often host Lean benchmarking tours. These tours are always a good opportunity to showcase what we do and exchange some great ideas with our visitors. Recently we had a[...] Continue Reading

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Putting the “F” Word in Your Marketing Campaign

Ok, it’s not what you think. There are plenty of other words in the alphabet that begin with the letter “F”, but I got your attention. Continue Reading

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Going International as an American Small Business

As you may know, small businesses with less than 500 employees in the United States employ approximately 48% of all working age Americans. Given that fact, the vitality of America’s small businesses[...] Continue Reading

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The New Normal

I don't know about you, but I'm tired of hearing this is the “new normal”. I accept that we are all staying at home, and I'm adjusting like everyone else but new normal…..NO. I can accept only seeing[...] Continue Reading

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Moving Forward While Grounded

Welcome to the first Boston Centerless blog. As we begin this journey, we hope to provide you with useful, interesting and even fun information that will fuel your brain and put a smile on your face. Continue Reading

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